Do you have a soft spot for crochet pillows? I do too! Decorative pillows are the easiest way to bring color and style to a room. To have a comfy and beautiful pillow is always a plus. With so many gorgeous patterns available is truly simple for you to find one that you love and easy to redecorate any space.
Rebecca of Little Monkeys Crochet has a beautiful and free Basketweave Throw Pillow pattern on her site (check the picture below and then her blog for the written pattern).
Featured image: RebeccaThis new throw pillow pattern is super cute, if I do say so myself. It utilizes the basketweave stitch, which looks so much more complicated than it really is. Even if you’re a beginner, give it a try. You might surprise yourself, and you’ll certainly impress your family and friends!
One thing I’ve learned in the process of making throw pillows is that they fit over the inserts the best when they’re just slightly smaller in length than the insert itself. So for this 12″ pillow, I edged both sides in SC until they were about 11.75″ (that’s width, not corner-to-corner). Any larger than that, and I’ve found that the edges get wavy and floppy and just don’t lay as nicely. So for this pattern, although I SC’d around the 3 times, you should measure your piece before edging and only add as many rounds of edging as you need to get to about 11.75″. You might need more or less than I did. (Source)
If you learn easier from video tutorial, you'll find on the next page a series of 4 videos on how to make two different Basket Weave Pillows to accent your home decor. If you're interested in learning more about this, please go to the next page.
Que lindas!!! Gracias por compartir
Welcome Maria!
Lissa Christiansen
I would like the written pattern
Marg Mulheron
How can I adapt this pattern to fit a larger pillow (14”-16”).