This Simple Trick Will Help You Fix Gauge When Height Is Incorrect

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Let me start right away by telling you: if you still struggle with understanding what gauge is, here is an excellent post explaining everything in detail: How to Crochet 11: Understanding Gauge. If you know what gauge is and have been having trouble with the height of your gauge swatch, watch this video tutorial from Deja Jetmir on how to fix gauge when only height is incorrect AKA The Golden Loop Method.

If you\'ve been having trouble with the height of your gauge swatch, how do you fix this problem?  Changing the hook size will change the width but will not help to correct the height. Watch the video tutorial below to learn The Golden Loop Method (how to fix gauge when only height is incorrect) and to learn if you are a yanker, rider, or lifter. Enjoy!

Ever try to make gauge and the width was correct, but your height was completely off? Then after changing your hook, everything was off?

This tutorial will help fix this issue. You’ll figure out if you’re a “yanker”, “rider”, or “lifter” and see how to adjust your stitches to get proper gauge (hint: it has nothing to do with your hook)

This is also known as the Golden Loop Method (Source)

Thanks to Deja Jetmir for the article inspiration and featured image.

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5 thoughts on “This Simple Trick Will Help You Fix Gauge When Height Is Incorrect”

  1. Diana Hotte Provencal Kristina Nichol Julien I don’t know if you have trouble with height (haha) but this is great information! I want to know though if you are a yanker, lifter or rider :p

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