Learn how to make the Magic Loop the easy way by following these simple instructions. If you have never gotten it right before, now is your time! Carol Alexander of the Crochet World gives clear, concise, and easy to follow instructions so it becomes easy for both right and left handed to make Magic Loops that look perfect.
Image source: Carol AlexanderThe magic loop, or ring method, is used for beginning a crochet project worked in rounds and produces a small neatly closed hole in the center of the first round. This method can be used for beginning hats, doilies, amigurumi and other projects worked in rounds.
Thanks to Carol Alexander for this article inspiration and featured image.
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@[100001900029219:2048:Brenda Graves]!!!!!!!
@[1785135106:2048:Kathy Mohowitsch Supplee]
I’m all thumbs! Kathy Mohowitsch Supplee Do you remember Mrs Florey? “Corey” we all called her, because Alan called her that. She tried to teach me and gave up! We all loved her! She was so good to us, and so were your Mom & Dad! But she just couldn’t teach me! I was more interested in playing baseball & football with the neighbor boys! LOL!
I called her Grandma. She was the only Grandma I had. I learned so much about everything from her
She was a wonderful Gramma! She talked to me a lot & taught me so much too! She even made clothes for me! I’ll never forget her!
Thanks for your help! Easiest way to get it right away.
TY, Carol Alexander!
Welcome @[100000546870734:2048:Laura]!
@[1597770166:2048:Bri Lutz] & @[826430318:2048:Caitlin Hegner] we need to learn this
Going to try
Amanda Kay
Melody Todd this is what I was telling you about
Becca Bouchard Kathi DeSimone Kelley Britton Teresa Staley Grace Wingard
Mercedes Suber
Annie Ader can you do this?
I can do a magic loop, yes
Diane Hopkins?