Knitting Stitches For Beginners: 38 Different And Awesome Cast-on Stitches

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We share the best knitting stitches for beginners that they can do at their own pace. Knitting is a super fun activity. If you are looking for something easy and fun to do, knitting is the perfect option. Anyone wanting to learn how to knit will find our post to be perfect.

Being a new knitter does not mean that you should knit something complicated. Instead, you should start by knitting something simple. This is where our post comes in handy.

It is rather helpful to know how to make knitting stitches. The patterns you make will set the foundation for you. You will be able to knit complex patterns.

All the stitches that you follow consist of beginner patterns. The knit and purl stitches are easy to do. Newbie knitters can use these knitting stitches. Having knowledge of these techniques will allow you to get things done.

Almost all knitters have a favorite cast-on. And they stick with it forever. However, sometimes, is good to know how the other cast-on stitches look like, just in case you want to try a different one for different reasons or simply because you want to make a change.

Cast-on Stitches- Knitting Stitches For Beginners


See below a set of 38 awesome Different Cast-On Knitting Stitches, courtesy of Queer-Knits and how they look like. Super useful and extremely attractive selection! Enjoy!

Knitting Stitches For Beginners- 38 Cast-on Stitches
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Via Queer-Knits 

Once you master these knitting stitches, you will be able to take on just about everything. From blankets to hats and scarves, you can knit just about anything. There are simply too many knitting stitches that can be followed.

The practice will provide you with new opportunities and you will be able to try new techniques in no time. Each knitting stitch idea has been prepared for beginners. As a knitting beginner, you can brush up on your knitting by trying out different stitching techniques. You will have a great time trying out different options. It all comes down to your level of commitment.

Thanks to Queer-Knits for the article inspiration and featured image.

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24 thoughts on “Knitting Stitches For Beginners: 38 Different And Awesome Cast-on Stitches”

  1. I’m a beginner, and I don’t have any idea from where to start with for knitting. I would like u to suggest me the steps to be followed and also the needle company,size. Which needle is better steel or aluminum or any other? Here in my native area I get wool of low quality. So Wich company wool do u prefer for sweater n mittens n socks. Your reply will b greatly appreciated. Thank u.

  2. These would be wonderful to learn if there were more than just the pictures!!! Where are the instructions, everything I click on takes me to something entirely different??!! I know how to start and knit a basic stitch, just not how to end or finish off!!

  3. I can’t seem to get the text to go with this article and the picture of the 38 cast on’s.
    Would like to teach this at our monthly knit group this weekend. cllikking on the downloud
    button doesn’t work and neither does the zip cruncher. Can you help me get the text?

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