How To Attach Granny Squares Together Using The Join-As-You-Go Method (JAYGO)

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Joining squares and motifs is time-consuming. If you\'re planning on making a granny square blanket soon and looking for the best way to join the squares, you may be interested in finding a bit more about this join-as-you-go granny squares joining method. How does it work?

Sandra at Cherry Heart Crochet has a wonderful step-by-step pictures tutorial and how to perform this method

This is an excellent time saving technique as it saves you all the trouble and bother of having to sew or crochet all your squares or motifs together once they\'ve all been made. Using this method you join the units to each other as you make them.
To join the squares together you\'ll need to work up one square in the normal way, but all subsequent squares will make use of the last round to join them to another square or squares. ( Read more here)

If you\'re more of a visual learner you\'ll love the video tutorial below: Learn how to join crocheted granny squares as you go with Sara Delaney.


Thanks to Sandra for this article inspiration and featured image.

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