You could use a penny or a quarter instead of a mini mirror. Turn on your creation! Inspired by beautiful Indian shisha embroidery, this Shisha Pendant by Katie Startzman is truly unique and extremely cute. Not the usual pendant type. Easy to make and customize, this pretty crochet project is perfect for any beginner.
Image source: FlickrEven with my sub-par crochet skills, I can make one in about 15 minutes. They would make great little gifts, and I think it would be fun to string a whole rainbow of them together to make a garland. I bought little mirrors at the craft store, you'll need 3/4″ or 1″ sizes.
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Kaye Boath
They look cute
I think you’d have a Shiva mirror or two, wouldn’t you?
Lots of Shisha mirrors… round and square
My grandmother had a green caterpillar pin crocheted on a safety pin. Does anyone have a pattern.
These make great picture frames for Christmas ornaments!