I wish I knew the name of this pattern, but I don't. I couldn’t find it! That doesn't change the fact that is stunning as much as original. It's lacy, sophisticated design looks great in many color combination. It's hard to decide which one is most beautiful. They all may look best for different projects. Make sure you check them on mypicot.com where you can also find the written pattern and photo-tutorial. Enjoy!
Image source: mypicotThank you to mypicot.com for the article inspiration and featured image!
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Wow but how to make it
Love this! The pattern is free but their app is 16.95 to download it.
Beautiful pattern!
Carol Pemberton
Must try
Sara Hernandez oh Sara Hernandez
Yeah? Rita Riedel
Debra Howard
Love this pattern, would be a great afghan or dress!