Perfect for a first date or for a night out with your BFFs, this white top with matching purse will help you look fabulous! This Ladies White Top with Mesh Accents and Matching Purse by Donna Collinsworth is designed to be both eye-catching and refreshing casual. Add a soft and feminine touch to your summer wardrobe with simply gorgeous and breathable to wear top.
Image source: DonnaThe top is sleeveless and goes on over your head. Crochet buttons and loops fasten it in back.
The mesh accent and tiny flowers were crochet with Aunt Lydia’s size 10 crochet thread using an E hook.
The purse is 8-1/2” X 10-1/2”. Two metal rings are the purse’s handles. (Source)
Thanks to Donna for article inspiration and featured image.
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Linda!! Porfavor necesita patrón?
If only I could crochet that well !! So pretty !
I know! 😉
Maria, please click where it says : ” Ladies White Top with Mesh Accents and Matching Purse “. The pattern is always linked to the name of the pattern.
Purse us cute. 🙂