90+ Crochet Chart Symbols Made Really Simple

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If you find difficult reading the symbol charts, the following guide is going to help you immensely!
Get inspired for your next project with this collection of 130 crochet stitches and the corresponding crochet chart symbols. Pretty awesome, right? We don't know who put these charts together to give credit to the author but we do appreciate the impact this guide has on the crochet community!

Some stitches are really basic and simple and some are more complicated. This guide will teach you the symbol for every single one of them so next time you read a pattern and come across a symbol chart you'll know for sure the meaning of those symbols.

90+ Crochet Chart Symbols Made Simple

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11 thoughts on “90+ Crochet Chart Symbols Made Really Simple”

  1. I’ve never had a problem reading the symbols, My mother taught me to crochet when I was very young, on crochet thread. She had two Japanese crochet books which were nothing but symbols for the patterns and I made several things from them. It’s knitting charts I can use a hand with lol

  2. Take a screen shot of them, then go into your pictures and you can enlarge all you want! I’m gonna have to do that very same thing since I just discovered that I took an not able to enlarge..

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