109-year-old Australian Alfred Date Knits Tiny Sweaters For Injured Penguins

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This is the best story I've heard for ages.  This man is so incredible, everyone should know about him and his drive to help injured penguins. 109-year-old Australian Alfred Date makes sweaters for the little penguins rescued after an oil spill off the coast of New Zealand.

How long does it take to master a craft? How about 80 years? Because 109-year-old Australian Alfred Date has been knitting since the 1930s and his latest/most famous endeavor was making mini sweaters… for endangered penguins!

Image credits: PenguinFoundation

Find out all story about this 109-year-old Australian Alfred Date Knits Tiny Sweaters For Injured Penguins at Bored Panda.
Image credits: PenguinFoundation

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